04 Jun Stroke victims are younger than you may think
It may come as a surprise to you, but statistics from RedArc show that 60% of those that have suffered a stroke are
of working age between 40 and 59.
The research also showed that a whole quarter of the 100,000 strokes in the UK each year happen to those of
working age, and even younger. This is a key figure that tackles the assumption that stroke victims are normally
older and no longer working.
So do I need cover if I am working?
We think it is very important to consider your cover options if you are working. This research from RedArc has
especially highlighted the need for critical illness protection for those working full or part time. This could be very
important if you have family and dependents that would be heavily impacted if you were no longer able to work due
to ill health.
What cover do I need?
As stroke is one of the most common critical illnesses, and a large majority of insurance providers cover this as part
of their critical illness policy. Critical illness is a crucial part of covering yourself against being diagnosed with one of
the conditions covered by the insurer. Taking out cover when you are younger could also save you money on your
premiums in the long term.
What happens if I am diagnosed?
Your insurer will pay you a lump sum, subject to certain requirements, if you are diagnosed with a specified critical
illness, such as stroke, during the policy term. Many types of cover also provide support from medical staff and
emotional and professional advice during recovery. This can be valuable to help you get back to work as soon as you
are able.
If you want to discuss your protection needs or look at your existing cover, call us today to arrange a chat with
your adviser.
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