This website uses things called “Cookies” to ensure your experience of the site, and our ability to improve it is enhanced. Specifically, the following Cookies are in use:
- Google Analytics (3rd party). We use this to see how many visitors we are getting, and how they found us. You can find out more about Google Analytics’ Cookies here. You can opt-out of having your internet activity available to Google Analytics click here.
- Social Media Sharing and Integration (3rd party). We use Facebook and Twitter functionality within this site so that you can share items of interest, or become a fan of our Social Media Profiles. You can find out more about Facebook’s Cookie use here and Twitter’s here
- We also sometimes use video embedding, like YouTube or Vimeo (3rd party) to enhance your experience of content on our site. You can find out about YouTube’s Cookie policy here and Vimeo’s here
- WordPress uses Cookies to further enhance the experience of the website, which you can read more about here
- We use both session and persistent cookies on our website.
- The following Cookies expire when the browsing session ends: BIGipServerZebedee, TS01237438, TS01fde6b5, wordpress_98e05c58ec4df7b05335dd79a4218039, wordpress_logged_in_98e05c58ec4df7b05335dd79a4218039, wordpress_test_cookie
- We use cookies to deliver the core service of Advoco Financial.
Removing/Disabling Cookies
Managing your cookies and cookie preferences must be done from within your browser’s options/preferences. Here is a list of guides on how to do this for popular browser software: